Phoenix Ascending: Rising from the Ashes - Chapter 8 - poetic_wizard - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

A day has passed since their return from the land of the dead, a place which turned their lives 180 degrees. Everyone dispersed since there was too much information to digest in a day. They agreed to meet the next day in Diagon Alley to continue purchasing and to discuss their next move.

As Isabella sat with her parents in the cosy living room of the place she had called home for 17 years, she gazed at them with a mix of disbelief and gratitude. Her heart swelled with an overwhelming sense of surrealism as she revisited the memory of casting the Obliviation Charm on them, erasing their memories to ensure their safety. It was a bittersweet experience to witness the recognition in their eyes, a feeling she had lost hope of ever experiencing again. Reflecting on her gratitude to Lady Death for granting her a second chance with her parents, she made a solemn decision. She vowed to use all her abilities to train them in magic, equipping them to stand their ground in the face of potential danger. She realized that hiding was not a viable solution this time, especially with the vast resources of magic and knowledge at their disposal. Knowing her parents' unwavering determination, she understood that they would never agree to hide, so she resolved to prepare them for any circ*mstance that might arise.

With this resolve, she approached them to know their opinions on this and to plan ahead accordingly. She was surprised to learn they had decided to move into the Granger Manor with all their belongings without further ado and, on top of that, planned a nearly perfect distraction for Dumbledore in case he dropped by. After a few changes here and there, they called for the Granger house elves who helped them in shifting the majority of their belongings, keeping a few items such as suitcases, with them for their decoy. After everything was sent, they asked the elves to keep the manor for their accommodation and requested one of them to stay back. As per the plan, everyone loaded their luggage in the boot of the car and Mrs Granger informed the neighbours that they were going on an international trip and would not be back before September mentioning to keep an eye on the kitchen garden they have. They departed from their ex-residence and after driving for a while stopped. As if on cue the House elf whose name was Toby, clicked her fingers and they popped away to their new home.

The Granger Manor was huge, like Hogwarts huge. They were thankful for the help of house elves otherwise it would definitely have been a hassle to do chores. After arranging everything and getting the house tour by Hectare, the Head elf, they settled in the parlour and called for high tea and snacks. It was a much-needed break with some family time after the hectic day. The parlour was a vibrant and inviting area adorned with a combination of earthy tones and pastel hues, creating a cosy atmosphere ideal for casual socializing and intimate family reunions. Its lofty ceilings were accentuated by expansive, floor-to-ceiling glass windows that offered a picturesque panorama of the lush gardens encircling the estate. This harmonious space was a serene sanctuary, perfectly suited for unwinding and rejuvenating the senses.

As they all sat down, Isabella's parents asked her to recount the events of her previous life and where they had been at that time. They assured her that now they had regained their memories from the wizarding world, they were willing to assist her in any way they could. Isabella hesitated at first, worried about their response to learning that they had been subjected to obliviation, but, ultimately decided to tell them because she believed they needed to know.

She eagerly started recounting her journey from the moment Professor McGonagall had arrived with the coveted Hogwarts acceptance letter. Her parents had been filled with a mixture of fear and excitement at the prospect of her attending a school they knew nothing about. They feared for her well-being in an unknown place, yet they were also filled with anticipation for the opportunities that lay ahead. They hoped that Hogwarts would provide her with the chance to break free from her introverted and know-it-all nature, acquire new knowledge and skills, and most importantly, form lasting friendships.

As she reminisced, the vivid memories of her first train ride on the Hogwarts Express came flooding back. She recalled meeting Neville, who was frantic over his missing toad, and how she had eagerly helped him search. Then there was her encounter with Ron and Harry, and the blunder she made that now made her laugh. Those initial days at Hogwarts were tough; her know-it-all nature made her a target for bullying, a facade she maintained because she was scared. Ron's hurtful comment about her being friendless had stung deeply, driving her to flee to a girls' lavatory, contemplating writing a letter to withdraw from school. But fate intervened when a 16-foot mountain troll attacked, and Harry, along with Ron, came to her rescue. That terrifying incident forged the foundation of their unbreakable friendship.

As the year progressed, they faced more challenges together. The climax of their first year saw them confronting unimaginable dangers: a three-headed Cerberus, the ensnaring Devil's Snare, Harry's daring broom ride to catch charmed winged keys, Ron's brave sacrifice in a life-sized game of Wizard's Chess, her solving a complex potions riddle, and finally, Harry's confrontation with Voldemort. She remembered the terror that gripped her at the thought of losing Harry and the fierce desire to stand by his side through it all. These experiences cemented their bond, turning them into the inseparable trio known to the wizarding world.

Her next year at Hogwarts was no less tumultuous. Hermione's respect for authority was constantly challenged by the inept Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, whose incompetence was a source of endless frustration. The looming threat of the Chamber of Secrets being opened, coupled with Draco Malfoy's incessant nagging, added to the tension. Excited about the duelling club, she was bitterly disappointed to discover that it was led by Professor Lockhart. Despite this setback, Hermione's curiosity drove her to question Professor McGonagall about the myth of the Chamber of Secrets, and she threw herself into the task of identifying the monster within. Her breakthrough came in the second semester when she stumbled upon a book of magical creatures and deduced that the creature terrorizing the school was the Basilisk, the monarch of serpents.

Realizing the danger, her first instinct was to grab a mirror to avoid direct eye contact with the creature. Determined to inform Harry, she set off to find him but tragically became a victim of the Basilisk's petrifying gaze before she could reach him, confining her to the hospital wing for the rest of the semester. When she finally awoke, she was relieved to learn that the threat was neutralised and Harry had rescued Ginny from the Chamber and slain the 60-foot Basilisk in the process once again saving the day. Driven by instinct, she rushed to the Great Hall and, enveloped Harry in a bone-crushing hug, thanking him for saving her and demanding to hear the full story of his exploits.

Her third year at Hogwarts proved just as turbulent. She was relieved to have a competent Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, witnessing Professor Lupin's skill firsthand when dementors invaded their train and he protected them with advanced magic. Despite her academic ambitions, she struggled to balance a heavy course load with keeping a significant secret from her friends. Amidst the chaos, she faced Ron's accusations about her cat, Crookshanks, threatening his pet rat, Scabbers. She also found herself embroiled in Hagrid's plight during Buckbeak's trial, advocating for the misunderstood creature while coping with mounting mental strain. The pressure reached its peak when she finally snapped in Divination class, deciding to abandon the subject altogether.

Yet amidst the challenges, the end of the year brought a dramatic turn. The revelation of Sirius Black, wrongly accused and Harry's innocent godfather, promised a reprieve. However, events take a dark turn as Professor Lupin's transformation into a werewolf due to his forgetting to consume the wolfsbane potion prepared by Professor Snape, allows Peter Pettigrew, the true culprit behind Harry's parent's murder, to escape. With dementors closing in and Minister Fudge arresting Sirius, the year seemed destined for tragedy.

Desperate to change their fate, she revealed her secret use of a time-turner to attend multiple classes with Harry. Together, they embarked on a daring mission to rescue Buckbeak and Sirius, navigating dangerous twists with a little aid from the headmaster.

In her fourth year at Hogwarts, she was immersed in a whirlwind of events that tested her intellect, loyalty, and courage like never before. The year began with the thrill of the Quidditch World Cup, an event she attended more for the joy of being with her friends than for the sport itself. The excitement turned to dread when Death Eaters disrupted the event, leaving a lingering unease that carried into the new school term.

As classes resumed, she encountered the enigmatic Alastor Moody, the newly appointed Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher with his imposing magical eye and constant vigilance mantra. The arrival of students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang added an international flair to Hogwarts but also heralded the dangerous return of the Triwizard Tournament after a century-long hiatus.

When Harry's name unexpectedly emerged from the Goblet of Fire as an additional champion, her concerns skyrocketed. She juggled her time between supporting Harry through the perilous tournament tasks and navigating the fallout between Harry and Ron, whose wounded pride strained their friendship. Though she knew Ron was wrong, her hesitation to confront him stemmed from a fear of isolation, a vulnerability she rarely showed. Amidst these challenges, she continued to excel academically, never letting her studies falter, even as she threw herself into advocating for house-elf rights moved by Winky's mistreatment and rejection by her master. She passionately campaigned for their fair treatment, a cause that reflected her deep-seated sense of justice and compassion.

The climax of the year brought shocking revelations and devastating consequences. Voldemort's return during the Triwizard Tournament's final task shattered any illusions of safety, reinforcing her understanding of the growing darkness in the wizarding world.

The summer next year began with an unexpected shift to No. 12 Grimmauld Place, the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix and the ancestral home of Sirius Black. Forced to stay away from her parents for her safety, she felt a pang of homesickness and concern for her family. Advised against contacting Harry by Dumbledore himself, she reluctantly complied, despite her better judgment. The frustration of being unable to reach out to Harry was compounded by constant interruptions whenever she tried to discreetly communicate or spend time with Sirius. The news of a Dementor attack on Harry filled her with both relief at his safety and anxiety about his impending trial for using underage magic. When Harry finally arrived at Grimmauld Place, their reunion was tense. He felt abandoned, but she placated him by explaining her attempts to contact him, often interrupted by Molly Weasley's demands for help while cleaning the house. Amidst the chaos, a glimmer of joy came with the arrival of her prefect badge, a recognition of her hard work and dedication.

Returning to Hogwarts, she and her friends faced Dolores Umbridge, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, whose toad-like appearance and penchant for wearing garish pink attire were only outdone by her cruelty and tyrannical rule, backed by Ministry propaganda and restrictions,. An authoritarian figure whose despotic reign over Hogwarts made her even more reviled than Voldemort himself. Umbridge's refusal to teach practical defence and her continuous attempts to discredit Harry's claims about Voldemort's return spurred Hermione into action. She proposed the formation of Dumbledore's Army (DA), a secret group where Harry would teach practical defence. This initiative added to her already heavy workload but was essential for their survival. The DA meetings became a beacon of hope. Under Harry's tutelage, they made significant progress, bolstering their confidence and skills. However, the Christmas break brought more tension when Arthur Weasley was attacked, and the Weasleys, along with her, were rushed to No. 12 Grimmauld Place. The break was sombre, with worries about Arthur's recovery and the looming threat of Umbridge, now the High Inquisitor, tightening her grip on the school.

Back at Hogwarts, the DA meetings resumed, and she juggled her OWL preparations with supporting Harry and Ron in their studies. The discovery of Hagrid's half-brother, Grawp, added another layer of complexity. Her compassion and determination to help Hagrid led her to regularly visit the Forbidden Forest with Harry, despite the danger. The betrayal by Marietta Edgecombe, Cho Chang's friend, to Umbridge about the DA was a crushing blow. Umbridge's crackdown intensified, leading to their capture. Her quick thinking misled Umbridge into the Forbidden Forest, where they encountered centaurs, narrowly escaping.

The climax of the year was both harrowing and transformative. Harry's nightmare vision about Sirius led them to the Ministry of Magic, where they faced Death Eaters in a desperate attempt to rescue him. The battle was intense, revealing Voldemort's return and shattering the Ministry's denial. Despite their victory, the loss of Sirius, Harry's godfather and only parental figure, and the revelation of the blasted prophecy concerning Harry and Voldemort, cast a shadow over their triumph. Throughout these ordeals, Hermione's unwavering support for Harry shone through. She consoled him in his grief, helping him cope with the profound loss and ensuring he didn't feel alone.

The next year began on a sombre note with the wizarding world acutely aware of Voldemort's return and the growing threat he posed. Despite the dark times, she was determined to make the most of her education and support her friends. Arriving at Hogwarts, she was met with a sense of foreboding. Professor Snape had finally secured the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher a change that filled her with unease. The new Potions professor, Horace Slughorn, brought a different dynamic to the school. Slughorn's favouritism and his "Slug Club" gatherings made her uneasy though, she couldn't deny the opportunity to learn from his vast knowledge.

While she initially excelled in his class, her frustration grew as Harry, using the mysterious Half-Blood Prince's textbook, surpassed her in brewing potions effortlessly. This mysterious book became a source of contention. She was wary of the unknown author’s dangerous and advanced spells, warning Harry about the potential risks. Her concern for Harry's safety often led to heated arguments, as he became increasingly obsessed with the book’s contents. Amidst academic pressures, romantic entanglements further complicated her sixth year. Hermione's feelings for Ron became more pronounced, especially as she watched him become infatuated with Lavender Brown. The sight of them together was a constant source of heartache, leading to moments of jealousy and emotional outbursts. Her attempts to make Ron jealous by attending Slughorn's Christmas party with Cormac McLaggen backfired, leaving her feeling embarrassed and more isolated. Despite her personal struggles, her dedication to her studies never wavered. She poured herself into her work, often retreating to the library, seeking solace in the familiar comfort of books.

The weight of the war outside Hogwarts' walls was ever-present. She was deeply affected by the attacks on Muggle-borns. The anxiety of potential danger to her own family lingered in her mind although she rarely spoke of it, choosing instead to focus on the task at hand. The increasing threats from Voldemort's forces cast a pall over the entire school. The attack on Katie Bell and the poisoning of Ron brought the dangers closer to home, heightening her anxiety and resolve. Despite these fears, she remained steadfast in her support for Harry, assisting him in his mission to uncover Voldemort's Horcruxes and understanding the significance of Dumbledore's mysterious trips away from Hogwarts.

The year took a dark turn with Draco Malfoy's suspicious behaviour. She, along with Harry and Ron, kept a close watch on him, suspecting his involvement in sinister activities. Her fears were confirmed when Malfoy orchestrated an attack on the school. The climax of the year brought tragedy and a harsh reminder of the perils they faced. The death of Dumbledore at the hands of Snape during the invasion of Death Eaters assisted by Draco Malfoy shook her to the core. The loss of their beloved headmaster left her and her friends reeling, thrusting them into an uncertain future without their greatest mentor. Snape's betrayal and his role in Dumbledore's death shattered any lingering trust she had in him, solidifying her determination to fight against the encroaching darkness. In the aftermath, she resolved to stand by Harry and Ron, knowing that the fight against Voldemort was far from over.

With Hogwarts no longer a sanctuary and the wizarding world under the dark shadow of Voldemort's reign, Hermione's path diverged drastically from the usual beginning-of-the-year school routine. Instead, she embarked on a perilous mission with Harry and Ron to find and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes, the keys to his immortality. The summer before their quest began was marked by profound sadness and sacrifice. She made the heart-wrenching decision to erase her parents' memories, sending them to Australia for their safety. The act left her emotionally shattered, bearing the weight of knowing she might never see them again.

Skipping her final year at Hogwarts, she joined Harry and Ron on their mission to find and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes. From the very start, the journey was perilous. At Bill and Fleur's wedding, Death Eaters attacked, forcing them to flee. This was only the beginning of their constant evasion from Voldemort's forces. Living in hiding was gruelling, with tensions often running high among the trio. The stress of their quest, combined with the harsh living conditions and the lack of progress, took a toll on Hermione. Her unwavering dedication to their mission was matched by her frustration at their seeming lack of direction. The emotional burden of being the group's problem-solver and mediator became increasingly heavy.

During their time at Grimmauld Place, she discovery of Rita Skeeter's book about Dumbledore revealed painful truths and raised doubts about their mentor. The revelations shook her faith, but she remained resolute, focusing on the task at hand. Throughout their journey, she faced numerous trials that tested her courage and resilience. The incident at the Ministry of Magic, where they narrowly escaped with the locket Horcrux, was a harrowing experience. The strain of the mission grew heavier with each passing day. The locket Horcrux, which they took turns wearing, amplified their fears and insecurities. Her inner strength was tested as she managed the tension between Harry and Ron, particularly during Ron's temporary departure. His absence left her heartbroken and more determined than ever to continue the fight. Her growing bond with Harry provided solace, as they shared their fears and hopes, strengthening their friendship.

Their journey led them to Godric's Hollow, where they faced the terror of Nagini and barely escaped with their lives. Her quick thinking and bravery saved them countless times, yet the constant danger weighed heavily on her. When Ron returned, the emotional reunion brought a mix of relief and lingering pain. They resumed their quest with renewed determination, each step bringing them closer to the final confrontation with Voldemort.

The discovery of the Deathly Hallows added another layer of complexity to their mission, testing her scepticism and belief in logic against Harry's growing obsession with mythical objects. One of the most harrowing moments came when they were captured and taken to Malfoy Manor. She endured torture at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange, who carved the word "Mudblood" into her arm. The physical and emotional scars of that ordeal ran deep, but even in the face of such brutality, her spirit remained unbroken. The rescue by Dobby, the house-elf she had long advocated for, was bittersweet, marked by both the joy of escape and the sorrow of Dobby's death and she mourned the loss of the brave house elf.

Their venture into Gringotts was a pivotal moment. Disguised under Polyjuice Potion, they infiltrated Bellatrix Lestrange's vault to retrieve the Hufflepuff cup, another Horcrux. Retrieving the cup triggered an escape on the back of a Ukrainian Ironbelly dragon. Their dramatic escape on the dragon's back, flying over the rooftops of Gringotts, marked a moment of adrenaline-fueled triumph amidst the peril. After their escape, the trio regrouped in Hogsmeade and received crucial aid from Aberforth Dumbledore, who secretly supported their cause. Their return to Hogwarts was a poignant reunion with old friends and allies, where they reunited with Neville Longbottom, a defiant leader among the resistance at Hogwarts, and other members of Dumbledore's Army.

Her venture into the Chamber of Secrets with Ron was another pivotal moment. Armed with the Basilisk Fang, she confronted and destroyed the Horcrux in the form of Helga Hufflepuff's cup, followed by their narrow escape from death with Fendifyre in RoR -while retrieving the Diadem Horcrux- on broomsticks alongside Harry and Draco Malfoy. The impact of Harry's apparent death sent shockwaves through her world. The grief and despair she felt were palpable, yet she drew strength from her resolve to carry on their mission, ensuring Harry's sacrifice would not be in vain. Neville Longbottom's courageous act of slaying Nagini, Voldemort's final Horcrux, was a turning point in the battle. His defiance and bravery inspired all who witnessed it, reinforcing her belief in the power of resistance and resilience.

The Battle of Hogwarts brought the conflict to a cataclysmic climax. She fought valiantly alongside Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood, their determination unwavering as they confronted Bellatrix Lestrange in a fierce duel that tested their skills, magical prowess and resolve. The duel with Bellatrix was a test of her strength, courage and strategic brilliance. Despite Bellatrix's formidable skill, she fought with everything she had, driven by a fierce determination to protect her friends and see justice prevail. Amid the chaos, tragedy struck as Bellatrix's curse found its mark, claiming her life. The next thing she remembers is sitting beside Harry in a room emanating with grandeur and luxury and well the rest was history.

Isabella was so lost in retelling her story that she didn't notice the various expressions that flickered through her parents' faces during her recital. When she stopped speaking, she was engulfed in a bone-crushing hug by them, tears in their eyes.

"We are so sorry we were not there for you darling. I wish I could walk to Dumbledore and give him a piece of my mind for making you suffer so much", her mother said.

"I'm sorry my princess. What you went through was not something any child should have witnessed", her father joined.

"But you should know we are proud of you for not faltering and leaving your friend's side. We love you very much", they concluded together. She couldn't express how relieved she was hearing this because it was her greatest fear that her parents would never forgive her for obliviating them.

She spent a few moments locked in the comforting embrace of her parents, their warmth enveloping her like a shield against the lingering shadows of their shared past. When they finally parted, her father's voice broke the silence, his tone filled with a mixture of nostalgia and affection. "Well, we promised we'd tell you about our time at Hogwarts, how we met, and what came after," he began, a fond smile tugging at his lips.

"Our years at Hogwarts weren't as dramatic as yours, but they were certainly memorable. I was sorted into Ravenclaw, and contrary to what you might have guessed, your mother was a Slytherin, a very intelligent and beautiful one, at that. A deadly combination I tell you", he added chuckling. "You took after your mother in that regard." He continued, reminiscing with a gleam of pride in his eyes.

"We were paired together for our first class and clicked instantly. Soon, we were inseparable, you could not see one without the other and ultimately, became best friends. We both were the toppers in our houses and clashed quills regularly for the first spot in the class but it was a friendly competition and no one took it to heart." He continued reminiscing about their friendly contests. "Not many people know it but your mom was a prodigy in duelling and aspired to be a hit-wizard. Me, I was a chaser on my house team but that was only a hobby. My true passion lay in potions and I aspired to become a Potion's master."

His voice softened as he spoke of their budding romance. "It was in our seventh year that we realized our feelings for each other and began dating. We graduated with top honours in our NEWTs. I continued my potions studies and did an apprenticeship under Professor Slughorn, and your mother joined the DMLE for her training. We completed our training, and became certified in our respective fields."

"We married with blessings from both our families," her father continued, his eyes shimmering with paternal pride. "Then you came along and it was the happiest day of our lives. But one day just after we celebrated your first birthday, Headmaster Dumbledore visited on the pretence of wishing you and ensuring everything was fine. That day, our lives took a turn we hadn't anticipated as we all just uncovered."

The story hung in the air, heavy with emotion and unspoken fears. Isabella felt a deep connection to her parents. The warmth of her father's words and the love he felt for his wife and daughter shone through, making her heart swell with affection and pride. The story of her parents' journey painted a vivid picture of a life filled with dedication, courage, and unwavering support for each other. The room felt warmer, filled with a renewed sense of love and unity. They promised each other to not keep any secrets between them and after a hearty meal, headed towards the Lord's study together.

On reaching the study, Lord Granger somehow already knew what he had to do as if the family magic was guiding him. He took out a dagger from the desk drawer sliced his palm, smeared the blood on the ward stone located on the wall behind the desk and whispered, "Familius Magicus".
"I, Richmond Nathaniel Granger, by blood, by right, by the sacred magic of our lineage, reclaim the wards of Granger Manor. So have I sworn; so mote it be." As soon as he completed his oath, the wards shifted to his command. He felt their presence in the back of his mind an awareness in his subconscious that was notifying him about everything happening inside the manor.

After setting up the magical protective barriers around the manor, his first priority was to ensure the safety of his wife, daughter, and their close companion Hadrian. Recognizing Hadrian's significance in his daughter's life, he included him in the wards. To further safeguard their home, he cast the Fidelius Charm, becoming the secret keeper himself. He entrusted the secret of the manor's location to his family, intending to share it with Hadrian in due time. Additionally, he designated his wife as his representative in case of any unforeseen emergencies.

Letting the ancient family magic be his guide, he instinctively led them to an unnoticed, dusty corner in the far left of the room. With quiet determination, he pressed his palm against a small, intricate engraving on the wall. Suddenly, the wall rumbled and slowly slid open, revealing a mysterious, dimly lit passageway that seemed to stretch endlessly into the unknown. Despite the nervousness in the air, they found themselves filled with an unwavering trust in the ancient magic that coursed through their veins as they ventured forth into the enigmatic passage together.

The passageway was constructed of rough-hewn stone and illuminated by torches that cast flickering shadows along its length. As they made their way through the winding tunnels, the air grew colder, suggesting that they were descending further underground. After what seemed like an eternity of navigating the labyrinthine passages, they finally arrived at a massive pair of iron doors. Trusting their instincts, they pressed their hands against the ancient handles, allowing the magic in their blood to activate the mechanism. After a tense moment, there was a distinct click, and the doors slowly swung open, granting them access to the chamber beyond.

After a series of amazed gasps and awestruck whispers, they beheld the hidden treasure beneath the castle. The room was filled with several rows and columns of family heirlooms, cabinets brimming with dazzling jewellery, a wall adorned with magical portraits of their ancestors, shelves lined with ancient books, grimoires, and accolades, and heaps of galleons, sickles, and knuts. However, their main focus was on a display showcasing various wands once used by their family across the centuries. Each wand was labelled with the name of its user. Although they knew they would eventually receive wands that matched their magical cores, they would have to make do with spare wands, in the meantime. Lord Granger approached the display and meticulously examined each wand, searching for one that resonated with his magic. After settling on a wand that had belonged to his great-great-great grandfather, he noticed his wife engaged in a similar process. It dawned on him that the wand once used by his mother would now be wielded by his wife.

Isabella lingered near the shelf, observing the delight on her parent's faces as they eagerly selected wands. She hadn't expected them to be so enthusiastic about being involved in her magical world. Seeing them choosing wands filled her with a sense of contentment she hadn't known before. She also needed a spare wand for emergencies, but she and Hades had plans for that, plans that some might view as leaning toward the dark side, but they weren't worried about it. After watching her parents for a while, she went to the section housing the books. There, she not only found old, forgotten books but also stumbled upon the family grimoire. Recognizing its importance, she called upon her father, the head of the family, to access it. Once she had informed him, she turned her attention to the other books, ensuring that none escaped her notice before finally leaving the aisle.

As soon as they emerged from the underground, they devoted the remainder of the day to familiarizing themselves with the wands and revisiting the fundamentals of magic, all under the guidance of Isabella. Despite having only recently regained their memories of the magical realm, they demonstrated a keen understanding, quickly grasping the intricacies of spell casting. Their practice sessions extended until dinnertime, after which they retired to bed, having enjoyed a scrumptious feast prepared by the diligent house elves in honour of their return. Anticipation for the upcoming extensive schedule loomed, making the following day seem rather daunting.

They still had a long way to go before reclaiming their former control over their magic, but at least it was a beginning.

Phoenix Ascending: Rising from the Ashes - Chapter 8 - poetic_wizard - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.